






Animal sculpture of copper deer has been praised by people since ancient times, because it is a symbol of beauty. Let's learn about animal sculpture of copper deer. Animal sculpture of copper deer is inextricably linked with art. Deer is found in murals, paintings and sculptures of past dynasties. Such as the Han Dynasty Knight shot deer map, lying deer relief on the Buddha seat; It can be seen that since ancient times, people have been addicted to the beauty of deer.



Through the beauty of deer, the development of deer culture, whether it is unique antlers, smooth patterns, spots, fur, slender and strong limbs, these beautiful body lines in people's eyes are unparalleled beauty, coupled with the deer's temperament is very kind, docile, gentle, so that people love it more, but deer is wild and natural, we can't raise it at will, So there is the appearance of the copper deer, the copper deer placed in the side, can let people at any time and anywhere on the body of deer beauty.



Rock paintings of the Shang Dynasty were found in Baichahe, Inner Mongolia. Among them, there are many deer, various forms, and strong flavor of life; In modern street square and courtyard area, there are sculptures of group deer, single deer, mother and son deer, little deer and husband and wife deer; Some brands, posthouses and shops also use deer, which is a psychological reflection of people's yearning for beauty and prosperity. Deer are Artiodactyla deer family animals.


其主要分布于歐亞大陸、日本、菲律賓、印度尼西亞、北美洲、南美洲的南緯 40°以北地區(qū)及西南非洲。鹿長0.75~2.90米,體重9~800千克;眼窩凹陷,有顏面腺,牙齒32~34枚;腿細長,有足腺;多數種類具角,無角種類則具獠牙狀上犬齒。其是典型的草食性動物,吃草、樹皮、嫩枝和幼樹苗,善游泳,主要棲息在苔原、林區(qū)、荒漠、灌叢和沼澤。

It is mainly distributed in Eurasia, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, North America and South America ° North and South West Africa. The deer is 0.75-2.90 m long and 9-800 kg in weight; Sunken eye socket, facial gland, 32-34 teeth; The legs are long and thin with glands; Most species are horned, and the species without horns have upper fanglike canine teeth. It is a typical herbivore, eating grass, bark, twigs and saplings, good at swimming, mainly inhabiting in tundra, forest, desert, shrub and swamp.


版權所有:河北鑄銅動物雕塑制作生產廠家 ICP備案編號:冀ICP備19005158號-5
